At our first Saturday night worship service, one of our youth members, Basia, was asked to write a reflection on the question: what is truth?
Her testimony was so inspiring and thought provoking that we asked her to both share it in a Sunday morning service, and that we post it here.
It is great, and so encouraging, to hear the faith God is working in the lives of our young people, right now:
Her testimony was so inspiring and thought provoking that we asked her to both share it in a Sunday morning service, and that we post it here.
It is great, and so encouraging, to hear the faith God is working in the lives of our young people, right now:
WHAT IS TRUTH? -Reflections from Basia
What is truth is an interesting question. When Pastor Andrew told me that this was the theme for tonight, I was a bit confused with God. You know when you read a bible verse and somehow it’s exactly what you needed to hear? Or you listen to a sermon or a chapel or a worship song and you can see how it’s message fits with your life at that moment? I had no idea how this question fitted with my life at this moment. I had no clue what God was trying to tell me. But He must have been trying to tell me something, so I thought I’d sit on the idea a bit and let Him show me. Sure enough, that night I came upon a quote as I was scrolling through Instagram: ‘Walk towards the truth in your life and be set free.’ God had answered my confusion with a somewhat cryptic message, but I figured my interpretation of it is what I was meant to share with you.
You know when you wake up in the middle of the night because you need to go the toilet? And you stumble around in the dark half asleep trying to remember where your door is, and how to open it, and which direction the bathroom is in? And then when you get inside, you start patting the wall down like an immigrations officer searching for anything illegal, except you’re looking for the light switch, not drugs. And then you find the light and turn it on and you’re blinded by how bright it is? That’s what the truth is. And that’s what God is to me.
The weeks before camp I was stumbling around in the dark, weighed down by school and work and stress. It was like I was in the hallway trying to get to the bathroom light, and I kept stumbling into things and stubbing my toe. I was walking towards the light; towards the truth, except I just couldn’t see it yet. I had to trust that the joy of getting to the bathroom would outweigh the pain of my possibly broken toe. And boy, did it ever. I found my truth at camp: The truth that God is Love, and that He loves us unconditionally, shines like a giant light in my heart. The truth in our lives is God, and walking towards it, we’ll be set free (and make it to the bathroom).
You know when you wake up in the middle of the night because you need to go the toilet? And you stumble around in the dark half asleep trying to remember where your door is, and how to open it, and which direction the bathroom is in? And then when you get inside, you start patting the wall down like an immigrations officer searching for anything illegal, except you’re looking for the light switch, not drugs. And then you find the light and turn it on and you’re blinded by how bright it is? That’s what the truth is. And that’s what God is to me.
The weeks before camp I was stumbling around in the dark, weighed down by school and work and stress. It was like I was in the hallway trying to get to the bathroom light, and I kept stumbling into things and stubbing my toe. I was walking towards the light; towards the truth, except I just couldn’t see it yet. I had to trust that the joy of getting to the bathroom would outweigh the pain of my possibly broken toe. And boy, did it ever. I found my truth at camp: The truth that God is Love, and that He loves us unconditionally, shines like a giant light in my heart. The truth in our lives is God, and walking towards it, we’ll be set free (and make it to the bathroom).